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SBRT Workshop 2 - Business Resiliency 101
Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 08:00am - 10:00am
Hits : 1688
Contact , 623-4559
At the Kennebec Valley Chamber's Small Business Resource Team's "Build Your Business' Road Map" workshops, industry professionals will give you the guide and tools to develop a business plan as well as business resiliency.

Workshop 2

Patrick Dunn, co-founder of Cushnoc Resiliency Advisors, will discuss how to plan for the What-Ifs so your business is prepared to survive and thrive through all scenarios.
Every business large or small will encounter a “What- If” Situation at some point. The only unknowns are when and whether or not that business will be prepared. This workshop will take the participants of preparing for and responding to events such as Natural Disasters, cyber-terrorism, technology disasters and human caused business interruptions.  The basics of disaster recovery and business continuity planning will be reviewed and discussed with the participants so that they understand what needs to be done to prepare for the What-Ifs.  
Many businesses can not afford to be unavailable to customers for over an hour, let alone a day. What will your response be?
Location Purdue University Global, 14 Marketplace Dr., Augusta
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